Help Ontulili Primates Protection to safeguard the future of our forest by adopting a tree

While on your visit to Ontulili Primates Protection, you can be involved in activities such as adopting indigenous trees and growing within the riparian area. By so doing, you will participate in protecting our environment by helping Ontulili primates protection control the spread of invasive tree species, restore the riparian trees that are mostly preferred by our primates as the source of food and shelter and also help save the remaining Mount Kenya forest which serves as home to threatened trees, birds and animal species.
The proceedings made from the adopt tree program will be used to monitor the growth of the tree by watering, removing harmful weeds and mulching the base of the seedling during the dry season. After a successful tree adoption, a certificate will be printed and shared via email in recognition of your efforts, constant updates will be made via our social media to show the progress of the particular tree. You can adopt a seedling for as low as 10 USD - please follow this link to register.
The benefits of adopting a tree
The sponsors will take pride in being part of restoring the important ecosystem.
Foster a behavioural change in the community that will ensure the members adopt the culture of growing trees.
Bring up a generation that will grow appreciating the need to grow the right trees in a particular environment based on the tree adaptation, uses and the climate condition of the area.
Why the program matters
Planting trees will be done in coordination with the community members. We hope this program will foster the culture of tree growing which involves selecting the right tree and growing it in the right place and the aftercare activities till it survives.
Mode of payment
Payment can be made via Mpesa or a bank account.
Bank Account
Name: Laikipia Wildlife Forum
Bank: Stanbic
A/c: 0100004071926 KES
A/c:0100004071969 USD
Branch: Nanyuki
Swift code: SBICKENX
MPESA details
PAYBILL NO: 898370
The payment details used belong to Laikipia forum which is our host organization and manages Ontulili Primates Protection finances.