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Primate Guardians

Local women collecting and recording information about Ontulili primates

A six-member women’s Primate Guardian monitoring team patrols the river bi-monthly with the assistance of rangers from KWS (Kenya Wildlife Service), MKT (Mount Kenya Trust) and the project manager. The women are easily identified with their guardian t-shirt and cap and have been instrumental in building relations with the wider community. They collect and record data on primates and wildlife seen on the individual patrols which are then fed into a database which was developed by the help of primatologist - Dr Peter Njagi from IPR (Institute of Primates Research in Nairobi Kenya – a key partner of OPP). The Guardians also receive feedback from the community regarding primates and wildlife in the area and any conflict issues (this information is passed to the OPP Board and KWS on a quarterly basis).

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