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Tree Nursery

Women's Group planting trees and vegetables

The Ontulili Conservation Protection of Primates is a tree nursery self-help group that was set up by local community women with assistance from OPP. The 25 women in the tree nursery group collaborate with the Primate Guardians who help them identify where to plant trees along the riparian area and where there are gaps or non-indigenous types that need to be replaced. The nursery group have received donations of seedlings and a water tank from a key partner of OPP, MKT (Mt Kenya Trust) and more recently received the donation and installation of a colobridge. This was placed high up in the canopy in an area with poor tree cover that was initially identified by the Primate Guardians. The bridge now allows the primates to cross the river without descending to the ground which would be dangerous for them if they come across other wildlife or human conflict situations. The group meets on Wednesday bi-monthly alternating with the patrol group that meet on Fridays bi-monthly.

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