Ontulili Primates Protection was honoured to be among the 3 grantees that the Primates Society of Great Britain awarded conservation grants. OPP will use its grants to reinstate the importance of primate conservation by encouraging positive interaction with humans which will foster coexistence by.
Creating awareness on primate conservation because:
Primates are an integral part of the earth's biodiversity and play important ecological roles as seed dispersers, pollinators, and predators. Conserving primates means conserving their habitats, which in turn, helps protect other flora and fauna in the ecosystem. Primates are also sentient beings capable of complex social and cognitive behaviours. Ensuring their protection and conservation is a matter of ethical concern and animal welfare.
Overall, raising awareness of primate conservation is crucial for protecting primates and their habitats and preserving the ecological, cultural, economic, and ethical values associated with these animals. Primates are facing numerous threats to their survival, including habitat loss, poaching, and disease. Increasing awareness about primate-human coexistence can help reduce conflicts and increase tolerance towards these animals, which can ultimately lead to their conservation.
Part of the grant will also be used to support conservation education using art which has been a powerful tool to raise awareness about environmental issues and inspire people to act to protect our planet.
The rest of the grant will support the purchase of seedlings and starting bee-keeping activities that will enable the farmers along the riparian area to earn an extra income while conserving trees.